Card Stats
Special Skill
Xmas is for NormiesLV.1/10
Charm x5.5 Turns 1 to 2 members of the opponent's team into scarecrows when you use a Special Skill.
A Very Merry XmasLV.1/10
Decreases charm of 1 to 3 members of the opponent's team when your opponent uses a Special Skill.
Min | Max | FDT | |
傲慢 | 2,126 | 11,243 | 11,843 |
強欲 | 2,843 | 17,437 | 19,837 |
嫉妬 | 1,422 | 7,524 | 8,124 |
憤怒 | 728 | 4,177 | 4,777 |
色欲 | 2,126 | 10,793 | 10,793 |
暴食 | 728 | 3,657 | 4,257 |
怠惰 | 1,422 | 7,184 | 7,484 |
Total | 11,395 | 62,015 | 67,115 |